otherdimensional club

Everything bad about Facebook is bad for the same reason ↗

A philosophical analysis of Facebook's fundamental failing.

A 103-year-old lexicographer has spent a century thinking about one of India’s oldest languages ↗

Interview with Ganjam Venkatasubbaiah about his long life of studying Kannada.

A eulogy for What.cd, the greatest music collection in the history of the world—until it vanished ↗

The tragedy of removing the internet's greatest music-piracy website.

The long, incredibly tortuous, and fascinating process of creating a Chinese font ↗

Reporting from Taiwan on an incredible design challenge.

This free online encyclopedia has achieved what Wikipedia can only dream of ↗

The genius of the _Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy_.

Hacked emails reveal China’s elaborate and absurd internet propaganda machine ↗

I spoke to a Chinese hacker who had obtained thousands of emails from a Chinese propaganda department, translated them, and wrote software to analyze them. Then I wrote this piece about what I found.