otherdimensional club

Hi! This is otherdimensional club, the digital home of nikhil sonnad (me).

I do a lot of different things: music, data visualization, journalism, teaching, writing, etc etc. This site serves as both a portfolio of my varied work and a place for me to share updates and thoughts. Browse by the color-coded categories below if you want to narrow things down, or view all to see everything I've been up to. If you want something a bit more official, check out my CV.

Thanks and welcome!


Recent updates

Hacked emails reveal China’s elaborate and absurd internet propaganda machine ↗

I spoke to a Chinese hacker who had obtained thousands of emails from a Chinese propaganda department, translated them, and wrote software to analyze them. Then I wrote this piece about what I found.

See where ‘Go Set a Watchman’ overlaps with ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ word-for-word ↗

When Harper Lee's "new" novel came out, Keith Collins and I wanted to know just how new it was.

This free online encyclopedia has achieved what Wikipedia can only dream of ↗

The genius of the _Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy_.