otherdimensional club

Podcast theme song: Data is Plural

Composed a funky little intro tune for Jeremy Singer-Vine's Data is Plural podcast

Tea if by sea, cha if by land: Why the world only has two words for tea ↗

Etymology reveals a map of early globalization.

Chartbuilder ↗

Open-source data visualization / charting web app. Aimed at journalists, written in JavaScript/React.

How do you draw a circle? We analyzed 100,000 drawings to show how culture shapes our instincts ↗

Dove into big Google data with Thu-Huong Ha to reveal a deep cultural preference.

Wikipedia’s great experiment: Finding a definition of “happiness” we can all agree on ↗

I created a tool to quickly compare changes to a Wikipedia page, in this case the one on "Happiness," to see how crowdsourcing deals with humanity's great questions.

The great American word mapper ↗

Interactive web app that allows users to search for any of the top 100,000 words used on Twitter (as of 2016), and see where they are used in the continental US. This project is used by many academics and instructors in linguistics.